World Plant Milk Day 2023: Date, History, Significance, Facts

World Plant Milk Day 2023: Date, History, Significance, Facts

Almond milk is a traditionally protected agricultural product within the Italian regions of Sicily, Apulia, Calabria, and Campania.

World Plant Milk Day 2023: We celebrate World Plant Milk Day on August 22 because, whether you know it or not, plant milk is a healthy, environmentally-friendly alternative to dairy milk. Plant milk provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals, empowering you to live your life to the utmost.

World Plant Milk Day also serves as a reminder that consuming plant milk has additional advantages. You contribute to the elimination of animal cruelty and the reduction of global warming simply by consuming a glass of milk. So, do your body and the world a favour by raising a glass of delectable plant milk in a toast to your health and the health of our planet.

When is the 2023 WORLD PLANT MILK DAY?

The 22nd of August marks World Plant Milk Day.


Lactose-free plant-based milk is the finest substitute for cow milk. World Plant Milk Day was established in 2017 by Robbie Lockie, co-founder of Plant Based News. In 2018, the day became a joint endeavour between PBN and ProVeg, with the campaign encouraging millions of people to switch from dairy milk to plant-based alternatives.

Lactose-intolerant individuals should consume plant-based milk because it is lactose-free. In addition, plant-based milk is delicious, low in cholesterol, and ideal for vegans. Plant-based milk is nutrient-dense and provides the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals. The risk of elevated cholesterol is minimal, and the milk’s consistency is light on the digestive system.

These days, almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and flax milk are among the most popular plant-based milks that are readily available in most supermarkets. The cruelty-free production of plant-based milk is another excellent reason to make the transition. Such adjustments may appear to have negligible effects, but in the long term, they will help reduce our carbon footprint and improve our health.

Some types of plant-based milk contain preservatives and additives such as excessive sugar, so it is preferable to search for unsweetened plant-based milk with a short list of ingredients and a short shelf life.

Activities associated with WORLD PLANT MILK DAY

Visit the market.

With the increasing availability of dairy-free alternatives, incorporating plant milk into your diet is simpler than ever. Try purchasing multiple flavours to determine which you favour.

Apply “plant milk theory” to other dairy products

Incorporate the “plant milk theme” of personal and global health into cheese and other dairy products. With the abundance of recipes and publications available, vegan cheese can be made at home. The majority of recipes require few ingredients. Try your hand at everything from delicate, spreadable cheeses to aged varieties.

Take a trek.

During a simple walk or stroll around town or your neighbourhood, take the time to appreciate your own health and the world’s grandeur. On World Plant Milk Day, consume a large glass of plant milk or a smoothie to give yourself an energy boost. Then, exit the building, take a deep intake of fresh air, and remember to embrace the world we all wish to save!


During the Middle Ages, both the Islamic world and Christendom recognised almond milk as a nut appropriate for consumption during Lent.

Almond milk is a traditionally protected agricultural product within the Italian regions of Sicily, Apulia, Calabria, and Campania.

Despite its many health benefits, almond milk does not contain as much protein as breast milk, cow’s milk, or hydrolyzed formulations; therefore, it is not a suitable substitute for infants younger than two years old.

The preponderance of almonds grown in the United States are produced in California.


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Article Credits: Newsd

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