

The reason your business should have a CSR strategy

In his groundbreaking 1962 opus Capitalism and Freedom, economist Milton Friedman famously claimed that the “one social responsibility of business [is] to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.” Friedman expanded on that idea in a popular 1970 piece for The New York Times, pointing out how a …

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Case Study: P&G Leads by Example with CSR Initiatives

In this report, Khululiwe Mabaso highlights how Procter and Gamble, one of the leading lights in corporate social responsibility in Nigeria, through its unique and quality products has taken CSR to the next level. Traditionally, businesses operate without so much demand from the society, but in recent times such trend has changed.

CSR, an integral part of UAE companies

Many companies believe they have a responsibility to make towards both the community and environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been integral to the operating philosophies of companies for many decades, who align philanthropy and volunteering as part of their company goals while fulfilling their business purpose.


Brands are using social media to reach #consciousconsumers

Consumers increasingly want to patronize the types of companies that demonstrate an alignment with their personal values.   This marketplace shift can be largely attributed to consumers of Millennial age, who are now the nation’s largest living generation and make up a quarter of the entire U.S. population.

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